Ground Rules Role Play and Mock Talent Review Meeting
CourseThis course includes a role play demonstrating how to discuss Talent Review Meeting Ground Rules and a Mock Talent Review Meeting role play discussion.
Facilitating Talent Review Meetings
CourseThis course provides tips and techniques to help Talent Review Meeting Facilitators lead the meeting with confidence and skill! This course discusses ideas for Talent Review Meeting challenges, questioning techniques and keeping the meeting on track!
Talent Review Meeting Facilitators and Scribes
CourseThis course discusses the characteristics and competencies needed for effective Talent Review Meeting Facilitators and Scribes, as well as the idea of implementing an internal Talent Review Meeting Facilitator Certification process.
Discussing Vacancy Risk in Talent Review Meetings
CourseThe course provides definitions for High, Moderate and Low Vacancy Risk and High, Moderate and Low Business Impact (if the employee leaves the organization). Additionally, Doris demonstrates how to discuss these risks in Talent Review meetings.
Practice Discussing Development Actions in a Talent Review Meeting
CourseIn this animated video lesson, Doris will discuss several "Mock People" who are being discussed in a Talent Review Meeting, and the development actions that a Talent Review Meeting Facilitator could propose in the meeting.
After the Talent Review Meeting: Presenting Talent Results to Executives or Board of Directors
CourseIn this audio-PowerPoint presentation, Doris provides a sample talent-succession results presentation for a group of Executives or for the Board of Directors.